Elephant Calf Mock-Charges Us
Occasionally you see something so enthralling you forget to photograph it. We were out on an evening drive when we came across a herd of elephants browsing in the thick bushes. We thought there might be perhaps ten of them but couldn’t be sure, so dense was the foliage. So we waited outside, hoping they would come out into the open. The minutes passed and we had started thinking of driving away when this tiny calf, certainly not more than three months old, shot out coming straight at us. Not only was it running, but also flapping its ears, shaking its head and waving its trunk. Ergo it was mock-charging us.

The Charging Calf to Halt With Ears Flared
Calves as young as this are too small to eat vegetation and so when their herds are busy browsing often get bored and set out on their own to explore the world around them- till an alert mum, aunt or older sibling notices them and reels them in. This one though was not just exploring the area but was clearly emulating an adult it might have seen, warning away a lion or something else it didn’t like. Meanwhile we were so busy laughing at this pocket-rocket charging us that we completely forgot to take photos and videos. The only photo we have of that charge, was right at the end when it finally came to a screeching halt a few metres away from us. It was clearly nonplussed. This hadn’t played out at all according to script. Cars being charged by African elephants are supposed to drive away- preferably hurriedly. The occupants certainly aren’t supposed to be laughing their heads off.
The calf hadn’t a clue as to what to do next. Retreating now would be a terrible loss of face, but what was the alternative? That is when the mum realised she was missing a calf and called out. The baby walked back into the bushes, dragging its feet, and was received by a, ‘hrmph,’ of exasperation.
We drove over to the other side to watch the herd emerging and this time the calf was walking in lockstep to its mother, ears contritely plastered to its shoulders. As the herd trooped past, the calf looked straight ahead studiously ignoring us.

But that wasn’t the end of the story. After being summoned by its mother and given a talking to, the calf was chastened, but not for long. It was too soon to go off wandering again but there was no stopping it from checking out imaginary objects with its trunk.