Living In Harmony With Nature
With international travel having come to a virtual standstill, we have closed the camp for its annual shutdown, a month earlier than planned. So this clip is a compilation of some of the wildlife we have recently seen from within the camp. We live in harmony with the wildlife around us and if the whole world did so, perhaps we wouldn’t see the kind of pandemic that has overwhelmed us all.
All these are from the last few weeks.

All except the sub-adult male elephant calmly browsing near one of the tents as we stood a few metres ahead of it. This was in December. He used to visit the camp when he was growing up in his herd and once he had been pushed out, he found it a familiar and safe place to visit. He stayed close by for a couple of days before being accepted into an all-male herd.

The brief clip of the lioness Naramat is another instance of the kind of harmony we hope to achieve with our wildlife neighbours. She had just given birth to cubs and was very wary. Yet she turned her back to us and walked away, sanguine that we presented no threat to her cubs.